Are you looking to meet singles near you in Oxfordshire? You've come to the right place!
Helping singles in the UK find like-minded locals they might fall in love with is why we started this dating site back in 2003. A decade later and still going strong, UrbanSocial is a well known UK dating brand with a great track record of experience.
We are a dating site that looks after it's members. We have a dedicated moderation team that ensures all members who join our site are based in the UK and genuinely looking to meet potential partners online. Our strict privacy policy and data guarantee also ensures our members are safe in the knowledge that their personal data never gets into the wrong hands.
It takes just a few steps to join UrbanSocial and get started. Singles across Oxfordshire can easily find compatible singles close by thanks to a host of search options. Help is also always on hand with our customer support team who are there to help with any aspect of your dating journey.
Singles dating with us can also enjoy regular news and tips from our award-winning dating blog. Featuring articles from relationship experts and dating bloggers, there's useful advice on just about everything dating-related, from making the best impression in your email communications to taking the first step into arranging that first date.
Renowned for being home to third old university in the world, Oxford is just one of the picturesque towns you'll find in the county of Oxfordshire. From Henley-on-Thames to Bicester, Abingdon, Witney and Woodstock, single men and women from all over Oxfordshire are finding local compatible singles near them with the help of local UK dating sites. Life is too short for love to find you.
In recent years, more and more dating sites and apps have been appearing online. With such a choice it can be difficult to know which way to turn. Finding the best fit for you can make the difference between a good and not so good dating experience.
> Mature Dating
> Adult Dating
When it comes to planning a date location, there's plenty of great dating ideas for singles in Oxfordshire. So, instead of just meeting for a few drinks in your local bar, next time why not try a more novel date idea. Below are just a few date ideas in Oxfordshire to get you started.
A visit to a castle is always a budget friendly and romantic date idea for singles. Singles in Oxfordshire can head to Broughton Castle for a film set experience in this moatified manor house. Take a romantic stroll around the gardens and buildings, and stop off for a bite to eat in the cafe.
Broughton Castle, Banbury, OX15 5EB.
For some real life theatre, start your evening off with an award-winning interactive and energetic ghost tour around the historic streets of Oxford. Once you've been suitably spooked, settle down in a cosy Oxford pub to mull over your experience.
Bill Spectre Ghost Trails, Oxford.
If you both like your wine, spend the afternoon tasting some local varieties at Brightwell vineyard. Take a tour of this medal winning winery, and find your favourite tipple, whether it's white, rose, red or sparkling.
Rush Court, Shillingford Rd, Wallingford, OX10 8LJ.
To search for singles events in Oxfordshire check out our events listing. We have singles events, balls, dating events, activity weekends and lots more happening.
Rob, 55 Wallingford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire
Charlieswolf, 51 ox27, Bicester, Oxfordshire
LucyLu, 48 OX7, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
Bohemian Gir, 60 Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire
annabel, 49 Henley on Thames, Henley-On-Thames, Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire dating website for single men and women in Oxfordshire looking for a trusted and reliable dating site for professionals in the local area