Dating profile for Sylar666 aged 40 from London, East who works in Consultant

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Sylar666, 55

from Brighton, Eastbourne from London, East

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forA bit of fun
Star SignVirgo
UniversityManchester Metropolitan
HairTell you later, Tell you later
EyesTell you later
ReligionBuddhist, Taoist
StatusTell you later
Smokes?Smoke Socially
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Sylar666

Not Complicated. Busy work life and being away from home makes it difficult to meet new people, hence Urban Social.

Sylar666 has 1 online dating photos

More about Sylar666: Sylar666 is a 55 year old male from London, East who works in Consultant. Sylar666 is tell you later eyed with an athletic build and is a Virgo.

I like : Cycling, Pool, Mountain Biking, Skiing, Scuba Diving , Gym , Mixed Martial arts

Sylar666 has travelled to 26 countries including Czech Republic, Mexico, Ireland, Peru, Australia, Vatican City, Netherlands, Jamaica, Belgium, Cuba, Italy, Malaysia, Argentina, Laos, Iceland

Sylar666 would love visit 13 countries including Nepal, Greece, New Zealand, Sweden, Cambodia, Norway, The Gambia, Morocco, Seychelles, Maldives and 3 more

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My Favourite
Favourite film FilmShaolin Soccer
Favourite book/author BookPillars of The Earth / Ken Follet
Favourite album/band MusicEclectic
Favourite holiday HolidayHotter than Hades