Dating profile for Jen aged 40 from Leeds who works in Tell you later

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Jen, 39

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Leeds

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forA flirt
Star SignAries
HairLight Brown, Shoulder
ProfessionTell you later
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Jen

Hi, I'm Jen and I am living back in Leeds after spending 6 months travelling- previous to that I was at university in Newcastle for 4 years. I have a degree in English Lit and not really sure what I am going to do with it!! I work for the NHS at the moment but its not forever, I'd really love to travel again- I aim to see as much of the world as possible! I spent 2 months in South Africa teaching kids last summer and then spent 4 months travelling around Fiji, Australia and New Zealand. It was the most amazing time of my life and very surreal being back here! I hope to go to Asia next- just a matter of saving up! I love being back in Leeds though, just need someone to show me round again!

Jen has 3 online dating photos

More about Jen: Jen is a 39 year old female from Leeds who works in Tell you later. Jen is blue eyed with an slim/slender build and is a Aries.

I like : Sky diving , Bungee Jumping, Gym , Jogging , Running

Jen has travelled to 14 countries including United States of America, Mozambique, Australia, South Africa, France, Spain, Vatican City, Swaziland, Germany, Greece, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, Fiji

Jen would love visit 25 countries including Barbados, Peru, Vietnam, Chile, Jamaica, Nepal, Honduras, Argentina, Cambodia, Morocco and 15 more

My Likes
like no.1 Laughing till your sides hurt
like no.2 Nights in with a bottle of wine and a film
like no.3 Going out for breakfast
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Posers
dislike no.2 Men in skinny jeans
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmGladiator, Lord of the Rings
Favourite book/author BookAtonement, Beloved, To Kill A Mockingbird
Favourite album/band MusicThe Beatles' Rubber Soul/Revolver, Oasis The Masterplan
Favourite holiday HolidayTravelling!