Dating profile for scubaselby aged 40 from Brentwood, London, South East who works in Designer

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scubaselby, 51

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Brentwood, London, South East

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignLibra
HairLight Brown, Long
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About scubaselby

In short, adventurous, fun, with a thirst for knowledge! Currently studying for my MA in design and a practising designer. Hobbies include horse riding, motorcycling and scuba diving. Prefer going to bars to clubs, but can be found dancing to a latin beat or a hed kandi track on a girls night out. A perfect day would involve taking in a design show or exhibition and going to the theatre. Equally happy reading the sunday papers in a coun try pub or hugging a hot coffee watching the rugby on a cold day. If you fancy joining me, just get in touch...!

scubaselby has 3 online dating photos

More about scubaselby: scubaselby is a 51 year old female from Brentwood, London, South East who works in Designer. scubaselby is brown eyed with an slim/slender build and is a Libra.

I like : Skiing, Motorbikes , Car Racing , Polo, Swimming, Horse Riding , Rugby , Aerobics , Snowboarding, Gym , Scuba Diving

scubaselby has travelled to 21 countries including United States of America, Cyprus, Egypt, Italy, Switzerland, Maldives, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Cuba, The Bahamas, Thailand, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Greece

scubaselby would love visit 10 countries including Canada, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Argentina, Australia, Iceland, Mauritius, Fiji, Seychelles

My Likes
like no.1 Travelling
like no.2 Sleeping in
like no.3 Good conversation over a glass of wine
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Vanity
dislike no.2 Getting up early
dislike no.3 Traffic wardens
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmBladerunner, Blades of glory, Usual suspects,
Favourite book/author BookPride & Prejudice - Jane Austin
Favourite album/band MusicPaul weller, Oasis, Killers, Kings of leon, Northern soul
Favourite holiday HolidayScuba diving in the maldives