Dating profile for gus88 aged 40 from headingley, Leeds who works in Leisure, Tourism

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gus88, 36

from Brighton, Eastbourne from headingley, Leeds

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forA bit of fun
Star SignGemini
UniversityNot Applicable...
HairDark Brown, Short
ProfessionLeisure, Tourism
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Smoke Socially
Drinks?Drink Socially
About gus88

Hello my name is angus and I am from Australia. I have moved to Leeds indefinantly and will be settling here for a while. I love to party and have fun. As I have just moved here I dont know many people here and interested in having someone to go out with and enjoy a night. I work as a personal trainer and have been doing that for 3 years. I am 23 and looking for someone around the same age but I am alright with a girl a little bit older or younger

gus88 has 0 online dating photo

More about gus88: gus88 is a 36 year old male from headingley, Leeds who works in Leisure, Tourism. gus88 is brown eyed with an athletic build and is a Gemini.

I like : Athletics, Gym , Rugby

gus88 has travelled to 7 countries including Ireland, Austria, Australia, France, Spain, Germany, Italy

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dislike no.1 boring people
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Favourite holiday Holidayibiza and somewh�re hot