Valentine’s Day: Go Dutch and Go For It

You’d be forgiven for thinking that there’s a bunch of pressure on men to deliver big on Valentine’s Day.
After all, the whole concept of love is under a microscope. It seems from the moment the bells have chimed and a new year has begun, we start to see heart shaped pink or red nicknacks appearing in supermarket aisles as if by magic.
But let me tell you ladies, we love to be loved too!
With men spending an average of £40 on their partners, and women spending an average of £24, perhaps it’s time to redress the balance?
And don’t just say “it’s only one day.” We invented that.
While 65% of us exchange cards, 21% of us give flowers, and 14% of us think “chocolate!” on Valentine’s Day, it’s all too easy to get swept up in the gimmicks and social expectation.
As men, we’re not looking to be showered in gifts or return to a bouquet of red roses on our desks at lunchtime; we just don’t want the romantic responsibility to be 100% on our shoulders.
We’re a team, a partnership, a dynamic duo. Let’s tackle this day together. It’s a chance for us both to show how much the other person means to us. And it needn’t be a competition over who did what and how much was spent.
So let us declare Valentine’s Day 2016 as the perfect opportunity to go Dutch. Let’s set a budget, split the bill, and escape the societal pressure to splurge.
And for you singles out there, well here’s a secret, Valentine’s Day is the ideal time to go for it and find yourself a date.
Online dating profiles are created in their droves, and contrary to popular opinion, bars aren’t exclusively packed with soppy couples staring longingly into one another’s eyes.
Even though this, admittedly overly commercialised, day draws relationships into focus, it can also be the perfect opportunity to finally put yourself out there.
Did you know that guys are more likely to stay at home alone on Valentine’s Day than women? If that sounds like you, and you feel you’re ready to meet someone new, why not fire up the laptop, snap a friendly headshot, and create a dating profile?
Or if you’re not quite ready to take that step, show V-Day who’s boss by waiting until the 15th of February and proudly celebrating Singles Awareness Day.
Even better, claim this day for your single friends and throw a party for them to meet other like-minded people and have some fun!
Will you be celebrating Valentine’s Day this year? Will you go Dutch or go for it?
Let us know in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter.