Canberra online dating site, find singles in Canberra looking for love online

Canberra Dating

Find that special someone in Canberra today on UrbanSocial Dating!

We've been bringing together singles online in Canberra and across Australia for years, and now it's your turn. Join now and search local singles dating in Canberra.

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Find Canberra Singles

Dating in Canberra or anywhere in Australia isn't always easy. That's why the Urban Social Australian dating site was established. To provide single men and women in Canberra and across Australia a simple way to meet other singles locally in their own time. Singles of all ages are online dating with us, so what are you waiting for? Sign up today and you could be meeting local singles near you just a few minutes!

Other Singles Local Dating 



Australian Singles Online Now

Single Men online:
  • Abs 41
  • Jack 64
  • lovelyda.. 63
  • GRR7 47
  • richH 44
  • nick a 49
  • Martin 49
  • Pete 45
Single Women online:
  • Lori 41
  • natz 47
  • louise 53
  • Jill 45
  • Gill 58
  • Steeny 45
  • Sarah 48
  • lou 44

Dating with Urbansocial

Urbansocial gets you online dating in minutes, by simply adding a dating profile for free. Once you're signed up, you can browse other singles looking for a date in Canberra. It's a hassle free way to find a date, and with thousands of singles now meeting online, dating can be done from the comfort of your own home or phone, in your own time. Dating online is much more cost-effective than joining a dating agency, with more dating members to choose from.

Dating in Canberra

Start dating today in the Canberra. Our dating members might be right on your doorstep, waiting to meet you.

Singles on UrbanSocial AU local to Canberra are from the following areas - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory and counties and towns in the area.

Australian Capital Territory dating website for single men and women in Australian Capital Territory and the surrounding area. 10+ years experience and free to join.

Canberra Singles

Single Men in Canberra
Michale - Member

Michale, 27

Australian Capital Territory
Darin - Member

Darin, 41

Australian Capital Territory
Rusty - Member

Rusty, 41

Australian Capital Territory
Zac - Member

Zac, 31

Australian Capital Territory
Vikas - Member

Vikas, 38

Australian Capital Territory
Garth - Member

Garth, 59

Australian Capital Territory
David - Member

David, 46

Australian Capital Territory, Charnwood
Date Single Women
Kathie - Member

Kathie, 51

Australian Capital Territory
Toba - Member

Toba, 56

Australian Capital Territory
Cathy - Member

Cathy, 41

Australian Capital Territory
Jessica - Member

Jessica, 60

Australian Capital Territory
Sarah - Member

Sarah, 31

Australian Capital Territory
Sharon - Member

Sharon, 42

Australian Capital Territory
Jay - Member

Jay, 57

Australian Capital Territory, Bonython