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If you're single and finding dating in Alcester not that easy, you're definitely not alone. That’s why so many single men and women are using trusted online dating sites to help them find love. UrbanSocial has been helping singles in Alcester and across the UK find a relationship since 2003.
There's no shortage of dating sites and apps to choose from these days. But UrbanSocial has over a decade of experience in making a success of online dating. helping genuine like-minded singles meet each other online. Our award winning dating blog also provides singles with help and dating advice on all aspects of single life and relationships. Sign up now and start your online dating journey with us.
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Singles on Urbansocial.com local to Alcester are from the following areas - Alcester, Warwickshire and counties and towns in the area
AMH, 43 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
higgo, 42 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
Nicolas, 41 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
mattyboy17, 45 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire / West...
Clayton, 52 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
tr120781, 43 Near Alcester, Alcester, Leicestershire / Wa...
Egdal, 45 Near Alcester, Alcester, Herefordshire / War...
yachtbloke, 68 Near Alcester, Alcester, Herefordshire / War...
GARY, 49 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
Mark, 47 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
Martin, 55 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
Kat, 41 Midlands, Alcester, Warwickshire
Amanda Chris, 38 Near Alcester, Alcester, Herefordshire / War...
Els, 38 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
Els000, 38 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
nellyno, 57 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
louie, 46 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire / West...
Julianne, 41 Near Alcester, Alcester, Oxfordshire / Warwi...
nicki, 61 Near Alcester, Alcester, Warwickshire
er3390, 44 Near Alcester, Alcester, Herefordshire / War...
foxy, 49 Near Alcester, Alcester, Herefordshire / War...
anulka, 56 Near Alcester, Alcester, Herefordshire / War...
... and have a great family but lost touch with alot of friends along the way. Would be great to meet new people and if anything comes of it then thats a bonus!
Am a qualified Personal Trainer but now work in Property as a Recruitment Consultant so if anyone out there is a Land Buyer get in touch also (I have targets lol)
Have fun!
... 40yr old. Love music, food, drink, travel, laughing, sarcasm, books, women, the great outdoors, telly, a good argument, making the most of life, pork scratchings, etc. Hate bigotry, petty pcness, lack of sense of humour, rudeness, ignorance, too much makeup, obesity, processed food, mediocrity, celebrity this-and-that, adverts on the telly, pretensions, one-upmanship, materialism, etc, etc.
... but don't do it enough. Would love to have tennis coaching and play regularly. Currently work as a Teaching Assistant and looking into becoming a proper teacher. Enjoy the usual things in life - going out, dining, cinema, holidays, shopping and being in a relationship.
... sense of humour, very ambitious but can get bored easily i like quiet nights in and lie ins also good nights out.
... am quite assertive but not over bearing. Have a good sense of humour. like being round jolly people as i'm a jolly person.
... motorbikes and travel. Good sense of humour and loving, Fed up of not being able to meet the right person. Dont really ask for much in life just someone who likes to have a good time and wants to be in a relationship. Love cosy nights in or wild nights out. Enjoy good conversation and deep thinkers. I know my soulmate is out there somewh�re just waiting to find them. Never done this before but hey here goes........
... starting to re-build my life after a bad few years. Im mediumish build. I have a good sense of humour. I like most types of films and music. I love to watch and play sports. I love cricket and golf. I have my own car. I have a 7 year old daughter who i love very much. I get to see her every other week. I can be fun to be around. I like nights out either getting something to eat or going to a coun try pub. I like nights in also whether its cuddling up on the sofa or watching so...(more)
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